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Kindergarten Science Trivia

Exploring the Wonders of Our World with Kindergarten Science Trivia

Dive into the fascinating realm of kindergarten science trivia, where curious young minds embark on a journey through the magical topics inspired by the NGSS. From the mysteries of living organisms to the dynamic forces of our planet, these fun quizzes promise a playful and educational adventure into the basics of science.

Magical Life Lab

The Plant and Animal Kingdom Adventure!

From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes

1 / 10

How do butterflies start their life?

2 / 10

Which part of the body helps humans breathe?

3 / 10

A baby cat is known as a?

4 / 10

Animals that eat only plants are called?

5 / 10

What color are most leaves?

6 / 10

How do fish breathe?

7 / 10

What do animals need to survive?

8 / 10

Where do animals live?

9 / 10

What part of the plant makes food?

10 / 10

What do plants need to grow?

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Wild World Safari!

Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics

1 / 10

Decomposers in nature help by?

2 / 10

An example of a plant’s predator is a?

3 / 10

What do we call animals that eat both plants and animals?

4 / 10

Which one is a home for fish?

5 / 10

What type of animal is a frog?

6 / 10

A squirrel is an example of a?

7 / 10

What do animals eat in a forest ecosystem?

8 / 10

Plants give off oxygen when they?

9 / 10

A group of the same type of animal living together is called a?

10 / 10

What do bees collect from flowers?

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Earth’s Wonders

Time-Traveling Through Nature’s Mysteries!

Earth’s Systems

1 / 10

What do plants need from the soil?

2 / 10

What do we call frozen rain?

3 / 10

Which is NOT a type of weather?

4 / 10

How many seasons are there in a year?

5 / 10

What causes day and night?

6 / 10

The Earth is made of several layers. What is the outer layer called?

7 / 10

What do we call it when water falls from the sky?

8 / 10

What season is it when it snows?

9 / 10

What is weather?

10 / 10

What covers most of Earth’s surface?

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Planet Protectors

Eco-Adventure Squad!

Earth and Human Activity

1 / 10

Walking or biking instead of driving a car helps reduce?

2 / 10

What should you do with old batteries?

3 / 10

How can we save electricity?

4 / 10

Why is it important to not litter?

5 / 10

What can we do to help animals?

6 / 10

What can you use again to help reduce waste?

7 / 10

What is pollution?

8 / 10

Planting trees helps the environment because trees produce?

9 / 10

What can we do to save water?

10 / 10

Why should we recycle?

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The average score is 0%


Super Movers

The Force and Motion Mission!

Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions

1 / 10

What is needed to make something move?

2 / 10

What happens when you push a toy car?

3 / 10

What does friction do?

4 / 10

What can we use to measure how heavy something is?

5 / 10

How can you make a swing go higher?

6 / 10

What happens when two forces pull in opposite directions?

7 / 10

What does a magnet attract?

8 / 10

Which force keeps us on the ground?

9 / 10

When you stop pedaling a bicycle, what happens?

10 / 10

What happens if you pull a wagon towards you?

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Sensory Superheroes

The Quest to Discover Our World!

Topic: Information Processing

1 / 10

How can we tell the difference between hot and cold food without touching it?

2 / 10

How do plants sense light?

3 / 10

What sense do we use to know if something is loud or quiet?

4 / 10

Why do animals have different body parts for sensing their environment?

5 / 10

What sense helps us taste our food?

6 / 10

What do we use to feel textures?

7 / 10

How do we see things?

8 / 10

What sense do we use to smell flowers?

9 / 10

How do we know if something is hot or cold?

10 / 10

What body part do we use to hear?

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Inventor’s Playground

Building Dreams into Reality!

Engineering Design

1 / 10

Engineers solve problems. What kind of problems might they solve?

2 / 10

What might an engineer ask when designing a new toy?

3 / 10

Can testing and improving a design make it better?

4 / 10

What material can be used to build a strong bridge?

5 / 10

Why do we make models or drawings before building something?

6 / 10

What is a prototype?

7 / 10

If a bridge is too weak, what should an engineer do?

8 / 10

What can you use to build a tower?

9 / 10

What do engineers do?

10 / 10

What is the first step in solving a problem?

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Power Quest

The Energy Explorers' Expedition!

Topic: Energy

1 / 10

What type of energy do plants convert sunlight into?

2 / 10

What is used to power a flashlight?

3 / 10

What can block light to create a shadow?

4 / 10

What type of energy is used when riding a bicycle?

5 / 10

Where does wind energy come from?

6 / 10

Heat is a form of?

7 / 10

What does a plant use to make food?

8 / 10

What do we use to see in the dark?

9 / 10

What type of energy do we get from the sun?

10 / 10

What gives us light during the day?

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